<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1295054684023978&ev=PageView &noscript=1" /> manvert and Biovert | About us

manvert and Biovert. Who are we

manvert is the trademark of Biovert products, a Spanish company dedicated to the research, manufacture and marketing of solutions in biostimulation and advanced plant nutrition for productive agriculture.

Since 1988, our aim has been to offer innovative, effective and low environmental impact solutions to maximise crop yield and quality.


Our mission is to contribute to a profitable and sustainable agriculture worldwide, which is able to meet the challenges of increasing food demand, climate change and growing resource scarcity.

We make our knowledge, our team of professionals and manvert solutions available to farmers so that they can produce more and better food with fewer resources.

nosotros quienes somos manvert bioestimulantes