<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1295054684023978&ev=PageView &noscript=1" /> manvert innovation - strategic axis

manvert innovation

Innovation and excellence are two of manvert's main pillars. Our R&D team works on the development of proprietary technologies which we apply to our entire range of manvert nutrients and biostimulants.

manvert technologies

Seavert tech

Thanks to Seavert tech® technology we obtain a greater concentration of the active principles of the Ascophyllum nodosum algae by means of differential pressure extraction. In this process, we do not apply chemical solvents or high temperatures, which ensures the conservation of its properties: protection of the plant against stress situations, such as hydric or saline stress, biostimulant effect, etc.

nosotros seavert tech

Some products with Seavert tech technology


years of research


trials carried out


of the team in R&D&I

Innovation, a strategic axis

We carry out dozens of trials every year to develop new solutions and to corroborate the effectiveness of manvert products in different crops worldwide.

In addition, in collaboration with research centres, we develop specific treatments for a wide range of crops.

We collaborate with the following research centres

innovacion universitat de barcelonainnovacion universitat de lleidainnovacion irtainnovacion syntech